Sunday, January 18, 2009

11 - physiology new mcqs - part 5

41q. ventilation perfusion ratio is maximum at ?


  1. apex of lung
  2. base of lung
  3. posterior lobe of lung
  4. middle of the lung


answer: a . apex of lung .


42q. apnoea is defined as ?


  1. stoppage of heart beat
  2. cessation of respiration
  3. irregular respiration
  4. RR


Answer: b . cessation of respiration .


43q. the neurons may get irreversibly damaged if exposed to significantly hypoxia for ?


  1. 8 minutes
  2. 2 minutes
  3. 30 seconds
  4. 15 seconds


Answer: a . 8  minutes .


44q. which of the following is not a vitamin K dependent factor ?


  1. factor 2
  2. factor 7
  3. factor 8
  4. factor 10


answer: c . factor 8 . vitamin K dependent factors are 2,7,9,10 , protein C and protein S .


45q. life span of neutrophils is ?


  1. 6 hours
  2. 6 days
  3. 10 days
  4. 15 days


Answer: a . 6 hours .


46q. life span of neonatal RBC is ?


  1. 100 days
  2. 120 days
  3. 6 months
  4. 1 year


Answer: a . 100 days .


47q. plasma sodium concentration is ?


  1. 120 meq/l
  2. 3.5 meq/l
  3. 140 meq/l
  4. 110 meq/l


Answer: c . 140 meq/l .


48q. cardiac index in a normal person is ?


  1. 2.1
  2. 3.2
  3. 4.6
  4. 5.9


Answer: b . 3.2 . cardiac output divided by total surface area of the body .


49q. alkali resistant hemoglobin is ?


  1. Hb A
  2. Hb A , C
  3. Hb S
  4. Hb F


Answer: d . Hb F .


50q. blood brain barrier is deficient at ?


  1. area postrema
  2. thalamus
  3. meta thalamus
  4. cerebellum


answer: a . area postrema 

10 - physiology new mcqs - part 4

31q. the first physiological response to high environmental temperature is ?


  1. sweating
  2. vasodilatation
  3. decreased heat production
  4. non-shivering thermogenesis


answer: b . vasodilatation .


32q. location of osmoreceptor is the ?


  1. wall of atria
  2. anterior hypothalamus
  3. juxta glomerular apparatus
  4. wall of veins


answer: b . anterior hypothalamus .


33q. injection of hypertonic saline in which region of the hypothalamus produces intense thirst ?


  1. posterior region
  2. paraventicular
  3. preoptic
  4. supraoptic


answer: c . preoptic . increased thirst is produced by stimulation of thirst centre in the preoptic nucleus of hypothalamus .


34q. the main excitatory neurotransmitter in the CNS is ?


  1. glycine
  2. acetyl choline
  3. aspartate
  4. glutamate


answer: d . glutamate .


35q. the inhibitory neurotransmitter in CNS neurons is ?


  1. glutamate
  2. aspartate
  3. GABA
  4. Taurine


Answer: a . GABA .


36q. the first change occurring in a sharp cut nerve is ?


  1. schawann cells proliferation
  2. degeneration of myelin sheath
  3. chromatolysis
  4. degeneration of neurilemma


answer: b . degeneration of myelin sheath .


37q. which of the following is an aminoneurotransmitter ?


  1. acetyl choline
  2. GABA
  3. Lignocaine
  4. Epinephrine


Answer: b . aminoneurotransmitters are nothing but neurotransmitters which are aminoacids . excitatory neurotransmitters are aspartate and glutamate . inhibitory neurotransmitters are glycine and GABA .


38q. unidirectional flow of a nerve impulse is at ?


  1. synapse
  2. axon
  3. dendrites
  4. all of the above


answer: a . synapse .


39q. myasthenia gravis is a disorder of ?


  1. motor neuron
  2. neuromuscular junction
  3. peripheral nerve
  4. spinal cord


answer: b . neuromuscular junction .


40q. twitch of a single motor unit is called ?


  1. myoclonic jerk
  2. fasciculation
  3. tremor
  4. chorea


answer: b . fasciculation .

9 - physiology new mcqs -part 3

21q. the maintenance of posture in a normal adult human being depends upon ?


  1. integrity of reflex arc
  2. muscle power
  3. type of muscle fibers
  4. joint movements in physiological range


answer: a .


22q. blood brain barrier is present at all of the following sites except ?


  1. hebencular nucleus
  2. subfornical organ
  3. cerebellum
  4. pontine nucleus


answer: b . subfornical organ . the sites outside the BBB are MEDIAN EMINENCE OF HYPOTHALAMUS, SUBFORNICAL ORGAN, ORGANUM  VASCULOSUM OF LAMINA TERMINALIS ( OVLT, SUPRAOPTIC CREST ), AREA POSTREMA, POSTERIOR PITUITARY ( NEUROHYPOPHYSIS ) . ( mnemonic – Marble SOAP ) . sites which are closely related to the brain but are not part of it and are outside the BBB are anterior pituitary and pineal gland .


23q. mechanism of analgesia is by ?


  1. nociceptin stimulation
  2. nocistatin stimulation
  3. O.L.R.I
  4. Anadamide receptors
  5. Nicotinic and cholinergic receptors


Answer: b , d and e . nocistatin stimulation, anadamide receptors, nicotinic and cholinergic receptors .


24q. flocculonodular lobe has direct connection with ?


  1. red nucleus
  2. inferior olivary nucleus
  3. vestibular nucleus
  4. dentate nucleus


answer: c . vestibular nucleus . flocculonodular lobe constitutes the vestibulo-cerebellum . output from flocculonodular lobe goes directly to the brainstem, bypassing the deep cerebellar nuclei and is concerned with maintenance of equilibrium . vestibule cerebellum includes flocculus and nodule in the vermis so also called flocculonodular lobe .


25q. cerebellar connection to other parts of the brain is projected through which cell?


  1. golgi cells
  2. basket cells
  3. purkinje cells
  4. oligodendrocytes


answer: c . purkinje cells .


26q. output from cerebellum is solely from ?


  1. basket cells
  2. granular cells
  3. treitz cells
  4. purkinje cells


answer: d. purkinje cells .


27q. non shivering thermogenesis in adults is due to ?


  1. thyroid hormone
  2. brown fat between the shoulders
  3. noradrenaline
  4. muscle metabolism


answer: c . noradrenaline .


28q. non-shivering thermogenesis is mediated by ?


  1. alpha 1 receptor
  2. beta 2 receptor
  3. beta 3 receptor
  4. UCP-2
  5. UCP-1


Answer: c and e .


29q. in human beings , the least useful physiological response to low environment temperature is ?


  1. shivering
  2. vasoconstriction
  3. release of thyroxine
  4. piloerection


answer: d .


30q. the hormone associated with cold adaptation is ?


  1. growth hormone
  2. thyroxine
  3. insulin
  4. MSH


Answer: b . thyroxine .

8 - physiology new mcqs - part 2

11q. the parvocellular pathway from the lateral geniculate nucleus to the visual cortex carries signals for the detection of ?


  1. movement , depth and flicker
  2. color vision , shape and fine details
  3. temporal frequency
  4. luminance contrast


answer: b . color vision , shape and fine details . the fibers from the 1 and 2 layers of LGB reach the visual cortex through the magnocellular pathway and the fibers from the 3,4,5,6 layers reach the visual cortex through the parvocellular pathway .


12q. the parvocellular pathway from lateral geniculate nucleus to visual cortex is most sensitive for the stimulus of ?


  1. color contrast
  2. luminance contrast
  3. temporal frequency
  4. saccadic eye movements


answer: a . color contrast .


13q. relative color and luminosity of photoreceptive input under changing light conditions are regulated and maintained by ?


  1. muller cells
  2. amacrine cells
  3. ganglion cells
  4. retinal astrocytes


answer: b . amacrine cells .


14q. during the dark phase of the visual cycle , which form of vitamin A combines with opsin to make rhodopsin ? ( retinaldehyde = retinal )


  1. all trans retinaldehyde
  2. all trans retinol
  3. 11-cis-retinaldehyde
  4. 11-cis-retinol


answer: c . in the dark phase 11-cis-retinal combines with opsin and in the light phase 11-trans-retinal combines with opsin to form rhodopsin .

( mnemonic : in the dark I thought she was my SISTER and when the light came she was a TRANSEXUAL )


15q. visible range of electromagnetic spectrum of human eye is ?


  1. 370-740 nm
  2. 740-1140 nm
  3. 200-340 nm
  4. 200-370nm
  5. 370-770nm


answer: a . 350-600 is the actual answer .


16q. nucleus of basal ganglia ?


  1. dentate
  2. thalamus
  3. caudate
  4. red nucleus




17q. the efferent fiber bundle of the substantia nigra transmits dopamine to one of the following areas ?


  1. thalamus
  2. corpus striatum
  3. tegmentum of pons
  4. tectum of midbrain


answer: b . corpus striatum .


18q. which of the following acts as a major neurotransmitter in substantia nigra ?


  1. dopamine
  2. noradrenaline
  3. acetyl choline
  4. serotonin


answer: a . dopamine .


19q. functions of the basal ganglia include ?


  1. gross motor
  2. skilled movements
  3. emotions
  4. maintenance of equilibrium
  5. cordiantion of movements


answer: b . skilled movements . functions of the basal ganglia include planning and programming of movements, subconscious execution of learned pattern of movement and cognitive control of sequence of motor pattern .


20q. which of the following clearly states the role of basal ganglia in motor function?


  1. planning
  2. skilled function
  3. coordinate function
  4. balance
  5. coarse movements


answer: a . planning .

7 - physiology new mcqs - part 1

1q. human brain is more intelligent than monkey’s brain due to ?


  1. larger brain
  2. increased convulations
  3. increased brain area compared to body surface area
  4. more blood supply


answer: a. larger brain .


2q. ability to perceive shape and size is lost due to lesion of ?


  1. tractus gracilis
  2. tractus cuneatus
  3. spinothalamic tract
  4. spinoreticular tract


answer : b . tractus cuneatus .


3q. true about function of the brain are all except ?


  1. sensitive to hypoxia
  2. dependent on glucose
  3. uses fatty acid in starvation
  4. does not store energy


answer: c . brain uses ketone bodies in starvation .


4q. ablation of the somatosensory area I  of the cerebral cortex leads to ?


  1. total loss of pain sensation
  2. total loss of touch sensation
  3. loss of tactile localization and not of two point discrimination
  4. loss of tactile localization and two point discrimination


answer: d . loss of both tactile localization and two point discrimination. If somatosensory area II is ablated then there will be alteration in pain sensation .


5q. structure of the brain involved in emotion ?


  1. neocortex
  2. limbic system
  3. thalamus
  4. hippocampus
  5. basal ganglia


answer: b and d .

6q. motor aphasia refers to defect in ?


  1. peripheral speech apparatus
  2. verbal expression
  3. auditory comprehension
  4. verbal comprehension


answer: b . verbal expression . motor aphasia also known as expressive aphasia is a disorder of thought and word finding resulting in inadequate verbal expression .


7q. true stereopsis ( depth of perception ) is perceived due to the following ?


  1. overlay of contours
  2. motion parallax
  3. bi-nasal disparity
  4. linear perspective


answer: c . binasal disparity , this is also called horizontal disparity or retinal disparity or binocular disparity .


8q. the fibers from the contralateral nasal hemiretina project to the following layers of the lateral geniculate body ?


  1. layers 2,3,5
  2. layers 1,2,6
  3. layers 1,4,6
  4. layers 4,5,6


answer: c . layers 1,4,6 . the fibres from the ipsilateral temporal hemiretina end in layers 2,3,5 and the fibers from the contralateral nasal hemiretina project into the 1,4,6 layers .


9q. most afferent fibers from the lateral geniculate body terminate in which layer of the primar visual cortex ( area 17 ) ?


  1. layer 1
  2. layer 2 and 3
  3. layer 4
  4. layer 5 & 6


answer: c . layer 4 .


10q. the blobs of the visual cortex are associated with ?


  1. ocular dominance
  2. orientation
  3. color processing
  4. saccadic eye movements


answer: c . color processing .

6 - clotting factors list


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